Arklow  Music Festival

Great News on the Arklow Music Festival front. Well done and congratulations to Ms Roche and the 4th class on winning the Action Song for the 3rd and 4th class section of the Music Festival. Well done to Ms Cullen’s class who were awarded a Highly Commended in the Action Song Section as were Ms Connolly’s Junior Infants in the Action Poem Section. Congratulations to Ms Van Eesbeck and 6th class who emerged as winners in the Action Poem Section Many thanks to Ms Van Eesbeck, Ms Roche, Ms Cullen and Ms Connolly for all of their work with the group events. Many thanks to all the remainder of the teachers, secretary and SNA’s for all of their assistance with the individual pieces and the administrative work associated with this event.

Festival Performance from Second Class

Festival Performance from Junior Infants

Festival Performance from Fourth Class

Festival Performance from Sixth Class


Our New Pitch Has Arrived


Third Class Projects on the Vikings