Avoca N.S. -Maths Week

Avoca N.S. held the annual Maths Week from the 17th to the 21st of October (inclusive). The children enjoyed using their skills to solve the challenges posed during the maths trails, quizzes and problems set for them by their teachers. Well done to all.

6th Class Maths Week

6th Class participated in many different activities as part of our Maths Week. They really enjoyed doing the QR Maths trail, the Maths table quiz, Times Tables Rocks and of course the problem-solving competition! Well done to all involved.

5th Class Maths Week

5th Class enjoyed taking part in many different activities as part of our Maths Week. They really enjoyed doing the QR Maths trail and the Times Tables Rocks . Well done 5th class!

4th Class Maths Week

We played Times Tables Rockstars on the iPads. We also played it for homework. Our class came first in the school during the competition Ireland Rocks. Overall our class came 223 out of over one thousand classes.
We also took part in some table quizzes during the week.

Third Class- Maths Week

Winners of the 3 maths problems during Maths Weeks. They each won €5 for solving some very tricky problems. Mason Healy, Hannah Andrews and Eimear Burke.

Maths Week in Second Class

For Maths Week last week 2nd Class spent time every day learning and practicing new Maths games together.  This one was by far their favourite! They explored adding, subtracting and building 3D shapes with Lego. Lots of fun and interesting shapes were made!

Junior Infants Maths Week

Junior Infants had great fun during Maths week!

We explored pattern making and played lots of number games during Maths and P.E. We also enjoyed playing Maths games with our 6th class buddies in the school hall! Please take a look at some pictures from the week.


Junior Infants and 6th Class Buddies on an Autumn Day


6th class Drone Workshop